
Divorce Law

Divorce LawDivorce Lawyers and FirmsMain News

By Liz B. Gatsby

Divorce can be an emotional and complex process. One of the key decisions is how to divide up assets. There may be various causes for divorce such as adultery, cruelty or abandonment which should all be taken into consideration before seeking to divide. To establish utter desertion, evidence such as...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

Spousal support is money received from one’s former spouse upon divorce and serves to compensate for differences in incomes or support a spouse who cannot readily return to the workforce. Spousal support comes in different forms – temporary, durational and permanent. A judge in New York may issue such orders...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

If the circumstances of your family have changed, you may need to modify your child custody agreement. This can be done in a variety of ways, including by mediation or arbitration. The court will examine all of the facts to determine whether a modification is in the best interests of...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce is determining how much money you will need to support yourself. It can be especially tricky if you are a stay-at-home parent who relies on your spouse for basic needs. A knowledgeable divorce attorney can help you get the spousal support...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is awarded by the judge in most divorces. The judge uses a number of factors when making the decision, including your income and your spouse’s earnings capacity. The judge may also consider your lifestyle and how much you put away for discretionary savings during...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

When couples divorce, one of the biggest challenges is deciding how to divide their children’s time. Custody arrangements often require negotiation and compromise to achieve the best outcomes for the child. There are many different options, but the most common is shared custody. This gives both parents the opportunity to...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

Child support is the money that parents pay to help with their children’s needs. It’s based on income, expenses and other factors. Every state has its own set of guidelines that determine how much each parent should be paying. These guidelines are designed to ensure that children receive a fair...
Divorce LawDivorce Lawyers and FirmsFeatured Articles

By Liz B. Gatsby

Some men might find it surprising that they are sometimes ordered to pay alimony (financial support) after their divorce. In fact, this is not a gender-based issue. Judges look at a variety of factors to decide whether to award spousal support, how much it should be and how long it...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

Child support is a legal obligation that a parent must pay to help another parent provide for the reasonable and necessary physical, emotional, and financial needs of a child. It is important to remember that the amount of child support owed will depend on the net income of both parents....
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

If you’ve been married to your husband for a long time, then you may have heard questions like “Can I divorce my husband for sexless marriage?” The answer to this question depends on several factors, but there are a few things you can do to begin dealing with your situation....
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

Spousal support is a form of alimony paid to the recipient by the paying spouse. In most cases, the amount paid is taxable for both the payor and the recipient, and can be deducted from one’s income. However, child support is not deductible. In the U.S., alimony payments are taxed...
Divorce Law

By Liz B. Gatsby

When can my child decide which parent to live in? is a common question asked by divorcing parents. The answer depends on the situation. If the parents disagree, it can lead to a domestic court hearing and a decision on which parent the child lives with. Even if your child...